Tracey Gobla talks about hair loss.


My Thoughts On Hair Loss

I recently began a new chapter in my Hairdressing career. I became certified in the Karen Gordon Method of Hair and Scalp Analysis (KGHL) and The John Renau Blending Method for hair piece additions or Hairtoppers as a response to topical hair loss. This is an issue I have become thoroughly acquainted with through my many years in the hair and fashion industry.

Hair loss is a deep concern for many, as I am constantly being asked about scalp issues and hair loss. As I have tracked the tremendous growth in this field, I invariably see misinformation being advocated on multiple platforms. Many believe there is nothing that can be done, (which is not necessarily correct) or they aren’t sure who to trust and even where to begin.

I am now available and equipped to offer in-depth private consultations. When looking at hair and scalp issues its always best to begin with a comprehensive analysis into the possible root causes. By narrowing the probable cause(s) it is easier to identify what options for treatment(s) may be available. It is usually advised that this should be done prior to the purchase and use of any hair loss products, scalp treatments, laser devices or nutritional supplements. The use of any one of these treatments, may in fact, serve to only exacerbate the problem or at the very least do nothing.

The Consultation 

Hair Loss Treatment

The consultation will begin with the client responding to a questionaire to help determine any factors that may be contributing to the current hair or scalp condition.

Next, using an instrument known as a tricoscope, magnified images of the hair follicles and scalp are downloaded onto a computer to be further analyzed. These images will help to identify a possible plan of action and create a client history with a reference point to better track their progress.

Hair Addition or Hair Topper

The consultation proceeds with an overall assessment and recording of the client’s individual characteristics and measurements, such as head size, for overall integration, hair color and style of the Hair Topper. These are crucial for the confidence and self- image of the client moving forward.

Finally, there will be a discussion pertaining to the proper care of the Hair Topper. It is essential to remember that these are made with real human hair, so a proper maintenance routine will only increase its vital look and longevity.

Appointments & Fees

Consultations may be scheduled, by appointment only, on Tuesdays and Fridays by calling 219.865.6515. A credit card and 50% deposit is required to reserve your appointment. A one-hour consultation fee is $95. My standard policy requires a 48hour cancellation notice with full charge to your credit card for a no call/ no show.